Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Advanced Class

Here are some excellent examples of fabric studies I poached from the internet. Notice the artists have successfully included the entirety of the fabric and maintained an interesting composition.

Key Concepts:

-When drawing fabric, begin by blocking in the major forms of the folds

-Continue with the darkest values of the largest folds and work through the medium values

-Add the highlights on the lightest areas

-If the fabric has a pattern on it, the pattern is done last

-The pattern must not conflict with the contour of the folds and the established values

-Pattern areas will have more contrast in the light areas and less contrast in the shadows

-Suggest pattern rather than painstakingly applying every detail

(Anne Kullaf Painting Blog)

"The Crossroads design reflects First Nations teachings and the power of the four directions – the number “four” is sacred among many Native American tribes. East represents the physical body, the realm of the Warrior. West represents the heart and the path of the Visionary. North is the region of the mind and the wisdom of the Teacher. South represents the spirit, enlightenment and the realm of the Healer. Balance and harmony are achieved where the directions meet at the center of the Medicine Wheel. Crosses in this jacquard pattern symbolize the crossroads where the paths meet – the place where an individual becomes whole. "

Text from the Pendleton Blanket we are studying.

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